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5 Anticipated ESG Trends in Malaysia for 2024

5 Anticipated ESG Trends in Malaysia for 2024

Navigating Malaysia's ESG Trends: An Introductory Overview

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria are becoming essential for businesses worldwide, guiding them toward more sustainable and responsible practices. In Malaysia, there is a growing focus on ESG as part of the country's sustainable development efforts, with both government and businesses pushing for greener and more ethical operations.

As we look forward to 2024, several key ESG trends are set to shape Malaysia's growth. In this blog, we will explore the top five ESG trends expected to drive the nation's sustainability agenda in the coming year.

5 Key ESG Trends in Malaysia 2024

1. ESG as a Strategic Advantage

Shift in Mindset : Companies in Malaysia are increasingly viewing ESG not as a compliance burden but as a strategic advantage for long-term success. This shift recognizes that strong ESG practices can drive business growth and sustainability.

Benefits : Implementing robust ESG practices, such as adopting solar power, can enhance operational efficiency by reducing energy costs and attracting environmentally conscious investors.

2. Technology and Data-Driven ESG

Data Transparency: Transparent data is essential for tracking ESG progress and ensuring compliance, helping stakeholders make informed decisions.

Technology Solutions: Existing technologies aid in monitoring progress, such as collecting and analyzing solar panel performance data, and generating sustainability reports that highlight the impact of solar energy.

3. Expanding Sustainability Reporting

Increased Adoption: There is an expected rise in both mandatory and voluntary sustainability reporting, particularly among SMEs, driven by regulatory pressure like Scope 3 emission rules.

Supply Chain Considerations: Integrating solar power into operations showcases a company's commitment to sustainability within its supply chain, enhancing its reputation and compliance.

4. Focus on Social Responsibility ("S" in ESG)

EU's CSDDD: The EU's Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is impacting Malaysian supply chains, emphasizing the need for ethical labor practices and ensuring social responsibility.

5.Government Support for Sustainable Growth

Highlight Incentives: The Malaysian government is promoting solar energy adoption through specific programs and incentives, such as subsidies and net metering policies.

Focus on Benefits: Solar power adoption provides significant environmental benefits, helping to reduce carbon emissions and promote cleaner energy sources.

Harnessing ESG Trends for Solar Energy Success

The five key ESG trends in Malaysia for 2024—seeing ESG as a strategic advantage, using technology for data-driven practices, expanding sustainability reporting, focusing on social responsibility, and benefiting from government support—create significant opportunities for businesses to adopt solar energy. Embracing these trends can enhance efficiency, reduce costs, attract eco-conscious investors, and demonstrate a commitment to sustainability.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A. What is the ESG rating in Malaysia?

ESG ratings in Malaysia vary by organization and sector, assessing companies based on their environmental, social, and governance practices. Agencies like FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia provide these ratings.

B. Which industry is most affected by ESG?

Industries with significant environmental or social impacts, such as energy, manufacturing, and finance, are most affected by ESG. In Malaysia, sectors like palm oil, oil and gas, and banking are particularly impacted.

C. Which country leads in ESG?

Countries like Sweden, Denmark, and Finland lead in ESG due to their strong environmental policies, social welfare systems, and governance frameworks. They have high ESG ratings and are committed to sustainability and ethical practices.